React Router
React Hooks
Context API
Hi, I am Nur Alam Chowdhury. Currently pursuing my BSC. in Electrical & Computer Engineering at RUET. I am a tech enthusiast. I love to learn and explore new things.
I have expertise in Reactjs, C/C++, Javascript, Nodejs, Html5, Css3, Mongodb, Sql, React Router, API, Git, Bootsrap, MUI, Tailwind, Illustrator, figma, and many more. Currently, I am practising MERN Stack and looking for a frontend job.
I have some experience in competitive programming. I have solved almost 500+ problems in different Online Judge like codeforces, atcoder, codechef, toph, vjudge, uva. I have also participated in 50+ online-rated contests.
Besides programming, I have great experience in graphics design. I was a freelance graphics designer for about 2years. Worked in different market places, events and also for some companies.
I have expertise in the following fields
Here are some of my works.
This is a watch selling website. I have used reactjs, javascript, html, css, bootstrap, firebase, node, mongodb to make the project.
This is a dental service related website. I have used reactjs, javascript, html, css, bootstrap to make the project.
This is a travel service related website. I have used reactjs, javascript, html, css, bootstrap, node, mongodb, firebase to make the project.
Here are some of my blogs.